HSP Test Page - (Nothing is live yet, nor has it been shared). We will transfer to the HSP website when it is available

Youtube Links (full podcast episodes). Audio only + image

Please listen when you have time, and give feedback.


Effective Communication - With Professor matt Abrahams

Cultural Agility - With Dr. Paula Caligiuri

Critical Thinking - With Dr. Tom Chatfield

Shorts - Social posts

We have an Instagram page @human_skills_project (please follow). Below are drafts for the shorts we can produce to promote the full podcasts, and to add to our website when it is available.

Audio Podcast - Podbean

Podbean only allows two episodes in their free version. Otherwise its $14/month (pay as you go), or $9/month if you pay all upfront. Let’s discuss what direction we want to take this. We can embed the episodes on the HSP website when its available - it will appear like it does below: